

All the following examples are located into the folder examples/android.

  • StreamInspectorExample This example explains you:
  • how to play a stream on a StreamViewerFragment

  • how to get and/or update the properties of the stream by using a StreamInspectorFragment

  • how to change the Stream Rendering mode. You can choose among the following 3 modalities:
    • rstp streamning (the continous stream that the user can play or pause by clicking the player buttons provided by the StreamViewer fragment)
    • still-image (you load a snapshot from the renmote camera by clicking on a button)
    • timed still-images (the system loads a jpeg image from the remote camera every # seconds, as specified by the user)
  • PTZ_ControllerExample This example explains you:
  • how to play a stream on a StreamViewerFragment
  • how to get and/or update the properties of the stream by using a StreamInspectorFragment
  • how to remotely control pan, tilt and zoom values of an Axis PTZ Webcam by using a PTZ_ControllerFragment
  • how to make snapshots of the stream and save them into the internal storage
  • PTZ_ImageGalleryExample This example contains all the features of the PTZ_ControllerExample example, and in addition, explains you:
  • how to open an Image Gallery containing all the stream snaphots, by using a ImageGalleryFragment
  • how to select an image from the gallery, zoom in/out and move it by touch screen gestures
  • how to delete an image from the gallery (simply by a double tap on it)
For running the Android examples, open your preferred IDE (e.g Eclipse) and do the following changes:
  • Import the Most-Streaming project library
  • Edit the file jni/Android.mk and properly change the absolute path of the environment variables GSTREAMER_SDK_ROOT_ANDROID and GSTREAMER_ROOT
  • Import the Android project example located from the android/examples folder and add the Most-Streaming and the Most-Visualization projects both as Library and project references
  • Create your uri.properties.default property file and put it into the assets folder.(That folder already contains the uri.properties file that you can use as template for your own property file)
  • Build the projects (Note that the NDK must be installed and configurated on your system in order to build the project)
  • Deploy the application on an android device or emulator